Wk 7.01

Axon/Section Investigations.

6″X6″ Sketchbook template.


Standalone Canopy Axon (below)


Canopy System Diagram (below)

The canopy is conceived as a kit of parts made up of the following:

  • Wood Structure (or other rapidly renewable structural system)
  • PV Array (Translucent Glass, or Tensile Fabric)
  • Steel Vertical Support and Connectors
  • Suspended Vegetated Grid


Connective Canopy Street Axon (below)


Street Sections (looking at connective and standalone options) (below)


Connective Rear Yard Axon (below)


Connective Rear Yard Section/Axon (below)


Bridging the Gap (below)

Configured to span spaces that are currently vacant in order to create a continuation of the streetscape and provide a “book end” for the rear yards beyond.


Frontal Node (below)

Configured as a front porch for homes where existing porches have collapsed, have been damaged due to neighboring demolition, or never existed. The front porch is where the community engages, these canopies can inspire dialogue about energy, water, and health. In cases where properties border vacant land, the porch can extend into the newly created side yard, and become a side porch as well.



2 thoughts on “Wk 7.01

  1. Neil – nice to see these development sketches – great techique. Continue working in axon and section – it appears that you’re learning most about your project in these drawing types, test-fitting them in various urban conditions. I do have a one primary question for you to think about as you move forward, which we can further discuss tomorrow. What is the formal, systemic and infrastructural relationship between your garden trellis, PV fabric system and stand-along (point-base) PV canopies? They currently appear as three different systems/structural types – what is the advantage of having three different formal systems versus a scalable structural/formal system to accommodate all needs/functions/site conditions? Since your project has always been focused on “an urban prototype” approach, I would think that you would try to further develop the structural/formal system that is scalable, and can produce multiple variations from that same system – to accommodate both garden trellis, PV canopies, etc.


  2. The different scales seem to be working for you. Are the bike lanes the same size as vehicular streets? You said before you were concentrating on a commercial corridor. Are you making 40th street a one way or will you have a different system for two ways streets?


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